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German Student Visa: All You Need To Know About Student Visa Processing In Germany

German Student Visa: All You Need To Know About Student Visa Processing In Germany

German institutions are drawing students from all around the world because of their high quality. Germany, however, has its own rules when it comes to choosing who is allowed to enter the country to study just like any other country. In addition, a student visa may be required depending on your country of origin in order for you to enter Germany and continue your education. If you are an international student enrolled (or intending to enrol) at a German university, we will walk you through the prerequisites for German student visa as well how to get a german student visa.

German Student Visa: All You Need To Know About Student Visa Processing In Germany
German Student Visa: All You Need To Know About Student Visa Processing In Germany

Is a Visa Required to Study in Germany?

A visa is not required for everyone to study in Germany. The following nationalities may visit Germany without a visa to pursue studies there:

  • EU/EEA nationals
  • Australias
  • Andorras
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Honduras, El Salvador
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Monaco
  • New Zealand
  • Costa Rica
  • Switzerland
  • The United States
  • Korea (South)

You will require a visa to study in Germany if your country of residence is not one of the ones already specified. Don’t worry, though; in this post, we’ll provide you with all the pertinent details.
Within two weeks of your arrival in Germany, if you are a citizen of any of the nations previously mentioned, you must register with the local Residents’ Registration Office.
A visa is furthermore required for citizens of Andorra, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Monaco, and San Marino if they intend to work while they are still in school or after they have graduated.

Study Visa Types in Germany

A German study visa may be granted to you for a different study levels and degrees. Undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, and exchange studies all fall under this category. This also includes taking part in a preparatory course or a non-academic German language program.
You can apply for one of three different types of German student visas:

  • Student visa for Germany. This is the typical student visa for foreigners who have been accepted to one of Germany’s recognised universities and are prepared to begin their studies in a university program there.
  • A German applicant for a student visa. If you need to be in Germany to submit a personal application for admission to a university, you need this visa. You cannot study in Germany with this visa; it is just good for the college application process.
  • Visa for German language classes. This kind of visa is required to enrol in a German language course in Germany.

Documents Required For German Student Visa

Submit an application for a German student visa at the German embassy, consulate, or other intermediary application offices in your nation. The information and other materials you submit will be used to make a judgement regarding your application. Therefore, two photocopies of each of these documents must be supplied along with the originals.

Here is a list of the paperwork needed to apply for a student visa in Germany:

  • A pair of properly filled out national visa application forms.
  • Have a valid passport for the country.
  • Two of your most recent biometric portrait images
  • Zulassungsbescheinigung; Proof of enrolment at a German university. Any of the following can be sent(Zulassungsbescheinigung is a letter of admission to a university).
  • Admission letter for a foundation course from a Studienkolleg
  • Admission letter for the therapeutic course
  • Admission letter for a German language preparation course
  • Evidence of German language proficiency(For study programs that use both German and other languages.)
  • International Students’ German Language University Entrance Examination (DSH).
  • The Test of Foreign Language German (TestDaF).
  • German Language Diploma from the Goethe Institute (GDS)
  • (DSD)Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.
  • Evidence of English language competence. (For applications using both English and multiple languages).
  • The English Language Proficiency Test (TOEFL). PBT (paper-based test) results of 550 points, CBT (computer-based test) results of 213 points, and IBT (internet-based test) results of 79–80 points are all accepted.
  • IELTS;(German universities will accept grades between 5 and 6.5)
    authenticated transcripts of previous education.
  • If you have previously attended a German educational institution abroad, you will be eligible for “Abitur,” a German university admission qualification. It is
    recognized internationally for academic credentials. It must demonstrate that you hold a credential that is on par with the German Abitur.
  • Transcripts or records from your school.
  • CV; It stands for curriculum vitae.It must be submitted with documentation of any internship or employment history, both past and present.
  • Financial Status Report (Finanzieruungsnachweis). The supporting documentation must demonstrate that you have the resources to pay for your studies, housing, and living expenses. Any of the following can be sent.
  • Account that is easily accessible through Expatrio, one of the simplest and quickest ways to register a German Blocked Account, All German embassies and consulates all over the world accept the banned account offered by Expatrio. Discover how to create a blocked Expatrio account.
  • “Verpflichtungserklärung” from a resident pledging their commitment
  • A German resident who can attest that they will cover your travel, lodging, and other living expenses while you are in Germany parents’ letter of declaration. They must demonstrate their willingness to help you financially while you are staying here. Their most recent six months’ worth of bank statements must be included in it.
  • Scholarship certificate. It must include information about you as the recipient and the sum of money covered by this award.
  • Insurance for college students. It must be valid for at least three months and provide coverage of at least 30,000 EUR.
  • Inspiration letter. You must explain why you chose the particular university and study program. Mention your studies and future objectives, as well as how they will advance your life and work.
  • Marriage certificate. (If you’re married, send this.) Support that with a copy of any child’s birth certificate (if related).
  • Proof of having paid the German student visa application fee.

German Student Visa Application Process

Many international students find the procedure of applying for a student visa in Germany to be complex. Although the processes vary from nation to nation, the key stages you must follow are generally outlined here.
The procedures for requesting a German student visa are as follows:

Find The Nearest German Consulate or Embassy.
To learn more about the requirements and schedule a visa appointment, you can use Google to look up an embassy or a consulate in your country (or a nearby country) that is close by. Each and every official German diplomatic mission abroad has a website that includes their physical address and contact details.

Review The Guidelines And Requirements.
Once you’ve located the German embassy website, you can visit the sections on student visas to evaluate all the particular conditions for your nation and the steps to schedule a visa appointment. Before scheduling a visa appointment, make sure you thoroughly read through all the materials supplied (particularly the documents you need to have).

Make An Appointment For A Visa.
When you’re prepared, you should schedule a visa appointment by following the instructions provided on the German embassy’s official website in your nation. You should apply for your visa appointment a few weeks in advance in some countries because the embassy may be swamped with applications and it may take longer for your visa to reach you. Timing is crucial; sometimes all available seats for student visa interviews are occupied, so be sure to move quickly.
Prepare all the necessary documents for the visa application. Check all of your paperwork again to make sure it is all in order after the date of your visa appointment has been confirmed. You don’t have to pay any outside consultants or companies to submit your application for you; you may do it yourself.

Get Ready For The Visa Interview.
At the time of your visa interview, you should have the payment confirmation and the visa application fee (between $60.00 and $75.00) with you. If your visa application is denied, this money is not refundable. You must ascertain the currency exchange rate in your nation and pay the precise sum. You should get ready for your interview in advance. Here are some of the most common queries and responses during student visa interviews. After the interview, you will learn in a formal manner if your application for a visa has been accepted or rejected.

What Is the Cost of a German Student Visa?
The required bank transfer payment for the €75 German student visa cost is required. Credit cards and checks are not accepted. The money order must not be more than two months old and be in the name of the German Embassy or Consulate in your native country.
However, keep in mind that if your visa application is denied, you won’t receive a refund.

How Do I Obtain a Student Residence Permit Once I Arrive in Germany?

Once you’ve arrived in Germany, getting your student residence permit is the next crucial step. Make sure to thoroughly complete the following steps:
Register your German address online.

Register your address with the neighbourhood resident registration office that is most convenient for your German residence.

After that, the “Meldebescheinigung” registration confirmation will be sent to you.

Make An Appointment With The Local Immigration Authorities.

You should get an application form when you go to make an appointment. Bring the required paperwork with you on the day of the interview. On the day of the interview, you will need to provide the following documents.

  • Standard paperwork is needed to obtain a student residential permit. (Including the completed application form and a letter confirming enrolment).
  • Proof of enrolment or admittance to your study program.
  • Original transcripts of previous degrees.
  • Registered address in Germany.
  • Evidence of health coverage.
  • Any of the following can serve as proof of financial capability:
  • Unaccessible bank account
  • Award for a Letter of Commitment Scholarship
  • German and English language proficiency (depending on your degree programme)
  • A receipt showing your payment of the German residence permit fee in Germany.

What Can You Do While Possessing a Current German Student Visa?

If you have a student visa from Germany, you can;
Prepare all the documentation needed to apply for the visa. This is feasible if you haven’t finished the intended studies for the duration of your visa and you’ll finish them in a fair amount of time.
Pick up a side job. Even if you already work part-time in an academic setting where you are enrolled, you are permitted to work for up to 120 working days a year. However, your work cannot impede your academic advancement.
After graduation, submit an application for a work permit. Only if you have finished your studies in Germany are you qualified to submit an application for this kind of residence visa. You will be able to look for employment or start your own business with such a residence visa for a period of up to six months following graduation. While looking for a permanent career that directly matches your academic qualifications, you might be able to get temporary work.

You Can’t Do The Following With A German Visa

  • Find a full-time job. You cannot accept a job that calls for you to work 240 days a year. Despite this, being a student disqualifies you from applying for a work permit.
  • Quit your study sessions. Your right to continue living in Germany may be revoked if you don’t attend study sessions.
German Student Visa: All You Need To Know About Student Visa Processing In Germany
German Student Visa: All You Need To Know About Student Visa Processing In Germany

Processing Time for Student Visas in Germany

Your application for a German student visa will typically take up to 25 days to process. Depending on the nation and German embassy you apply to, the processing period varies. The processing time for all other study visa requests to Germany is typically three months.

Am I Permitted To Work with a German Study Visa?

With a German study visa, international students are permitted to work in Germany while pursuing their education, although the number of hours they can work is limited.
In Germany, citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland are permitted to work for up to 20 hours per week without restriction during the academic year (including voluntary work).
International students are also permitted to work, but they are limited to 120 full days or 240 half days per year. There is no carryover to the following year of unused days.
If they have obtained employment in their field of study, international students with residence permits who wish to work in Germany after completing their studies may extend their permission for up to 18 months.
Students who have graduated from an EU/EEA country are free to stay and look for job. It is possible to seek permanent resident status in Germany after two years of employment there.

The German Student Visa Costs

There are some fees associated with applying for a German student visa for non-EU citizens, as listed in below:

  • Applicants under the age of 18 pay $37.50 while students over the age of 18 pay $75

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Possible To Get A Student Visa Without A Blocked Account?
Obtaining a German Student Visa without a Blocked account is possible by meeting one of the following conditions:
You must submit the records that attest to your parents’ income and assets.
You can get a “Verpflichtungserklärung” from a friend or family member who lives permanently in Germany and promises to pay for your living expenses.
Show a scholarship award letter from a reputable organization (e.g., DAAD, Max Planck).
The blocked account becomes a necessary criterion for the visa to study in Germany if you are unable to meet any of the aforementioned conditions.

When Should I Submit My Application For A German Student Visa?
As soon as you can, you should submit an application for a student visa to Germany. However, you should first familiarise yourself with the following German Embassy regulations:
Before recently, you could apply up to three months in advance of your planned trip to Germany. You can submit your application up to six months before your trip. What Does The German Equivalent of a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Mean?
If you want to begin master’s degree studies in Germany after finishing bachelor’s degree studies outside the Bologna process, you must verify that these courses are equivalent to bachelor’s degree studies in Germany. This document must be obtained from the organisation that awarded the prior academic degree.

Which Certificates of Linguistic Competency Are RecogniSed For Study In Germany?
Send one of the certificates listed below to establish your command of the English language.
TOEFL Official Test Score ReportScores needed: IbT-88, PBT-66.
IELTS test results are officially reported by the British Council and sent to you immediately. IELTS Academic requires a group score of 6.5 or above.
You must have an A, B, or C to be eligible for the Cambridge Advanced English Certificate.A, B, or C of the Cambridge Proficiency English Certificate.
Alternative submission formats are generally acceptable.
Keep in mind that not all language tests and results are accepted by all universities, and each university may have its own standards for language competency.

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