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Study In Italy: The Best Guide For International Students

Study In Italy: The Best Guide For International Students

Studying abroad in Italy is one of the best ways to enhance your language abilities while also having a once-in-a-lifetime experience, Italy is a place rich in art, history, and culture, which makes it a great location for international students to study abroad, students typically pick Italy for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in business, engineering, and the arts. However, it is not a simple task. A rigorous application procedure is required to get admission to an Italian institution. The ultimate guide to studying abroad in Italy may be found in this article. This article covers all you need to know about studying abroad in Italy, from choosing the proper institution to preparing for culture shock.

Study In Italy: The Best Guide For International Students
Study In Italy: The Best Guide For International Students

Article Subtopics

  • All you need to know about Italy
  • Why Should You Study Abroad in Italy?
  • Is Italy’s Educational System Good?
  • Top 10 Institutions in Italy
  • The Italian University Admissions Process
  • Do Institutions in Italy offer Scholarships
  • Applying for Student Visas
  • Post Study Opportunities

All You Need To Know About Italy

Italy is a gorgeous country and one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, with over 50 million foreign visitors each year. It lies in Southern Europe, surrounded by France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia. Its population is estimated to be around 60 million people. The first evidence of the human presence in Italy goes back to the Palaeolithic period. The country has always served as a vital crossroads for commerce and migration.

Italy was formerly home to numerous mighty civilisations, including the Etruscans and Romans. The country has since been a founding member of the European Union and NATO. It is also a founding member of the Council of Europe and one of the world’s five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Italian is the official language of Italy. Studying in Italy can be a fantastic experience for students.

They may learn about Italian culture, see new locations, and come to know themselves better.Italy is a country with diversified culture and a rich history. The country is well-known for its cuisine, fashion, art, and architecture. Lonely Planet has rated it the finest nation to visit for the second year in a row. Italy has been regarded as the greatest country in the world to study abroad for four years in a row by the QS World University Rankings, and it is also listed as one of the top ten nations in Europe to study at university by Times Higher Education Ranking.

Why Should You Study Abroad in Italy?

Studying abroad in Italy is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and language, learn about Western civilisation’s history, and mature as a person. With over 10,000 foreign students studying there each year, Italy is one of Europe’s most popular study abroad locations. There are several reasons you should study in Italy. Here are seven compelling reasons it’s worthwhile:

  • Rome is one of the world’s oldest ancient cities, having a history that dates back over 2,500 years.
  • The nation boasts a wide range of scenery and temperatures that will provide you with a unique experience.
  • The food is delicious! You’ll get to try meals you’ve never had before and learn about how Italians eat daily.
  • It is simple to learn the language and adjust to the surroundings.
  • You have access to a wide range of courses.
  • You will have a global network.

It is one of the world’s cheapest locations to study.

The System of Higher Education in Italy

The approximately 800 institutions that make up the diverse and interdisciplinary Italian higher education system include:

  • Public and private universities;
  • National research institutions
  • The AFAM Institutes: The AFAM Institutes are institutions that are separated into the visual, performing, musical, and dramatic arts sectors;
  • High Schools for Linguistic Mediators (SSML): they grant certifications in the sciences of linguistic mediation that are comparable to university degrees;
  • Institutions that specialize in psychotherapy: grant third cycle credentials comparable to university-issued specialized diplomas;

Higher Technical Institutes (ITS) are postsecondary training institutions that are NOT universities. These institutions were established with the intention of forging a strong connection between the educational and industrial worlds.
A typical academic semester is made up of a 14-week teaching term and a 6-week test period, lasting about 20 weeks total.

Italy is implementing a three-cycle higher education system that includes the following:

  • Bachelor degrees (3 years) and single-cycle degrees comprise the first cycle.
  • Second Cycle: Two-year master’s degrees and first-level vocational master’s
  • Ph.D. (at least three years), second-level vocational masters, and third cycle.

Italy has a long history of educating a wide mix of students. The country features some of the greatest colleges in the world and provides students with a diverse curriculum to pick from. The school system in Italy is regarded as one of the best in Europe. It is ranked fourth in the European Union and outperforms most other nations on the PISA exam, which assesses student achievement in math, reading, and science.

Best Institutions For International Student to Study in Italy

From the arts to computer science, you can choose an appropriate study program in Italy, many of which are taught in English. See which English-taught study programs are the most sought after and make your pick. To earn a degree, you would need to pass about 20 exams (eight exams every academic year), the majority of which would be oral tests. You may need to pass 40 or 50 exams to enter some specialized industries, like engineering or medicine. Many students find their lives to be made easier by oral exams.

For a few euros, you can “jump” a bus or train in Italy to some of the most stunning locations in the world, away from hectic Bologna or chilly, foggy Milano.
to some of the world’s most stunning beaches. With 87 airports, almost all major cities have excellent connections to both European and non-European nations. All of the larger Italian cities are connected by 77 (main-) railway stations, making travel by train simple. That makes things simpler for many students who dislike taking the bus or flying.

With its diversified scenery, rich cultural and historical heritage, artistic and historic monuments, incredible cuisine, and tremendous history, Italy is a highly alluring destination for international students. Around 90 public universities, as well as various specialized postgraduate institutions, polytechnics, and a large number of academies, are located in Italy.

We have produced a list of the best institutions to study in Italy, with rankings based on many variables such as education quality, reputation, amenities offered, and so on. In total, 30 Italian universities are listed in the 2018 QS World University Rankings. These universities include:

1. University of Florence

Pope Clement VI issued a bull on December 18, 1343, establishing the University of Florence. It is one of the world’s oldest universities and provides a wide range of courses in several subjects. For its worldwide viewpoint, research, and innovation, the University has been named one of the finest in Europe. According to Times Higher Education’s World Rankings, it is also placed among the top 100 universities in the world.

2. University of Bologna

The University of Bologna is Europe’s oldest. It is the world’s first university, having been founded in 1088. Bologna University has a lengthy history with numerous notable graduates, including Galileo Galilei, Petrarch, and Copernicus. Science, engineering, humanities and social sciences, medicine, law, and economics are all available at the University of Bologna. International students can also study for a Master’s or PhD degree in Italy through postgraduate programs.

3. University of Padua

The University of Padua is one of Italy’s oldest universities. It was started in 1222 and has been in continuous operation ever since. The institution is located in the city of Padua and has around 35,000 students. The institution provides more than 100 undergraduate degree programs, 120 graduate degrees, and ten doctoral programs. Aside from academic programs, the University of Padua provides several extracurricular activities for students to participate in. Sports teams, theatre shows, student groups, and so on are examples of this.

4. University of Rome

The Institution of Rome was established in 1303 and is Italy’s oldest university. It is also one of Europe’s most prominent institutions, with courses spanning from the humanities to natural sciences, engineering, and law. The university contains eight faculties, four research centres, and courses in a variety of areas. The University of Rome is located in the city centre on the ancient La Sapienza campus.

5. University of Pisa

The University of Pisa is one of Italy’s oldest universities. It was founded in 1343 and is located in the Tuscan town of Pisa. The institution has been named one of the world’s top 100 universities. It provides a diverse range of courses in the arts, science, law, and economics. It has around 50,000 students from all around the world studying there. The University of Pisa is a well-known public university that is ranked in the top eight in Italy. The University of Pisa accepts international students from all over the world and provides a variety of degrees, including summer and graduate

6. University of Verona

Verona is the city of Romeo and Juliet, so it’s no surprise that the University of Verona is one of Italy’s most prestigious institutions. The University of Verona, founded in 1859, is one of Italy’s oldest institutions. Its research output has been placed in the top ten in Italy. Law, medicine, economics, history, philosophy, and political science are among the degrees and majors available at the University of Verona.

7. Polytechnic University of Turin

The Polytechnic University of Turin (Italian: Politecnico di Torino) is one of Italy’s most prominent institutions, with over 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled. The institution provides degrees in engineering, architecture, and design and has been named one of the top 10 engineering universities in the world by the QS World University Rankings.

The majority of the research and teaching activities are conducted at the Polytechnic University of Turin’s main campuses, which are located in Turin, Italy.
It has over 35,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate), with eleven departments and many research centers, and 1,800 staff members (teaching, research, support and management staff). The institution of higher learning was founded in 1859 as a Technical School for Engineers. Over time, the school broadened its research and academic offerings, and in 1906 it converted to a polytechnic institution.

8. University of Milan

Milan University was established in 1924. It is a public university that provides undergraduate and graduates degrees. There are around 100,000 students and 3,000 professors at the university. Humanities and languages, engineering, economics and management sciences, agricultural sciences, and natural sciences are taught by ten faculties. The University of Milan is one of Italy’s most prominent educational institutions. According to the QS World University Rankings 2018-2019, it is one of the finest universities in Italy.

9. University of Trento

Trento University is a university located in Trento, Italy. It was established in 1962 and is divided into 13 departments. There are around 20,000 students and 1,700 academic staff members at the university. The University of Trento offers a wide range of academic programs, including economics, law, humanities, natural sciences, and engineering. The Italian Parliament granted the institution autonomous status in 1994, granting it more freedom from the regional authority. Trento University is one of Italy’s premier research and innovation institutions, with an emphasis on science-related courses.

10. University of Parma

The University of Parma is one of Europe’s oldest universities. It was started in 1343 and has been in operation for about 650 years. The university is in the picturesque city of Parma, Italy. Parma University has a long history and is well-known for its academic prowess. It teaches economics, mathematics, science and technology; humanities and social sciences; medicine and health sciences, and engineering.

Study In Italy: The Best Guide For International Students
Study In Italy: The Best Guide For International Students

The Italian University Admissions Process

In Italy, the admissions procedure is lengthy and difficult. It is not just about grades and exam results, but also about your level of Italian knowledge, what you are studying, and where you wish to study. The Italian university system is built on the premise that every student can pick their route. As a result, students may choose from a wide range of universities.

Students are also obliged to take the “Maturità” exam, which measures their knowledge of Italian culture and history, but not arithmetic or science. Students must pass a two-year “Scuola Superiore” curriculum that includes literature, philosophy, mathematics, and natural sciences. They next take a final exam to determine whether or not they are eligible to attend university.

Financial Aids; Scholarships

Do Institutions in Italy offer Scholarships?

College students are not the only ones eligible for scholarships. There are also scholarships available for students who want to study abroad. International students are also given scholarships. Many scholarships are available to pay the expenses of studying in Italy. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides scholarships to overseas students who wish to study in Italy. The scholarship is available for a three-year Master’s degree program and covers the entire tuition and living expenses.

Other scholarships, such as the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and Fulbright Scholarships, pay up to 50% of tuition and living expenses. If you are fortunate enough to be awarded a scholarship, consider spending your time abroad investigating alternative options such as internships or language studies. Here is a list of scholarships in Italy that you can apply for if you wish to study in Italy

Applying for Student Visas for Italy

Students from outside the European Union can apply for an Italian student visa. They must enrol in a recognised Italian institution of higher education to be eligible for this visa. Students will also be required to show proof of appropriate financial means and health insurance coverage. If a student is under the age of 18, he or she must present a letter of authorisation from their parents or legal guardian. If they are above the age of 18, they must supply a letter of authorization from their parents or legal guardians if the student is not living with them at the time the application is submitted. Students should also guarantee that they do not intend to work while in Italy and that their studies are not jeopardised.

Post-study Opportunities for Students in Italy

Students’ post-study options in Italy are not as diverse as those in other European nations. The most common job routes for students to follow after finishing their education are becoming a teacher, a lawyer, an engineer, or an architect. There are, nevertheless, chances for people who have studied the humanities and social sciences. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for example, provides distinguished scholarships to students who have studied international relations or political sciences at the university level and wish to pursue a career in diplomacy.

The Wrap Up

Studying abroad in Italy this year is a fantastic choice for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the opportunity to explore the gorgeous nation of Italy. When you study abroad, you will be able to learn about another country’s culture and customs. You will also get the opportunity to discover more about yourself. A study abroad experience might provide you with fresh perspectives on life that you may not have imagined possible before.

You will get the opportunity to meet individuals from all around the world and learn about their life in a foreign nation.   Studying abroad in Italy is also a wonderful method for students to advance in their careers by acquiring new skills and gaining essential knowledge that they can apply when they return home or begin working.

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